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Why Hospitality Is Important ?

WHY HOSPITALITY IS IMPORTANT Xavier College of Hotel Management

Why Hospitality Is Important ?

The word ‘hospitality’ is taken from the term ‘hospice’, meaning a house of rest for pilgrims during medieval times. Hospitality may be defined as the reception of guest and catering to their needs and expectations, these may include food, beverage, lodging, and transportation, activities/entertainment, shopping and supporting services. Hospitality entails a mixture of tangible and intangible factors that include the behaviors of employees and make available for guest’s security, psychological and physiological comfort.

The hospitality industry itself is much bigger, and it includes lodging, theme parks, and cruise line among others. Around the world, the hospitality industry has recorded the fastest growth compared to other industries for the same period. The main reason has been more people have more money to spend, companies are spending more on the employees in entertainment and on the other side it is one of the most lucrative investment fields for many investors.

Hospitality Industry is a large industry. It also is a fast growing sector in the economic. The hospitality industry is a multibillion dollar and growing enterprise. The hospitality industry can be divided into two main categories and that is, the Hospitality and the Tourism Industry. Hospitality industry is the oldest business in the history. Hospitality industry can be divided into two parts and that is entertainment areas like Hospitality means that the staff of the hotel will receive the guest in a good and a manner way because we have to give full respect to the guest because mostly guest will aspect satisfaction. Most of the guests will aspect a friendly and a safe atmosphere so that they will come back to the hotel if they satisfied with the service provided. Hospitality Industry is divided into many terms such as accommodation, transportation, food and beverage etc.

Hospitality is not just one of the world’s biggest industries & it’s also about receiving guests in a spirit of goodwill—especially strangers from other lands. Hospitality implies warmth, respect, and even protection; it builds understanding and appreciation among cultures. It’s also one of the most dynamic, exciting, and fast-growing. With every new development in technology or guest experience, even more, diverse and specialized job opportunities open up.

Because all customers want with a good good-discipline, hospitality service this thing increase business review & ratings also. Because the customer is always happy with this kind of service. And It’s very popular in the hotel & restaurant industry.

Importance of Tourism

Many people love to travel. They seek out new places like vibrant cities, cozy small towns, and beautiful natural environments like beaches and forests. For years, the tourism industry has evolved and grown as people scour the globe for unique experiences and activities. Things stalled in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, but as countries like India start to see improvement, tourists are once again booking trips in high numbers. This signals hope for the future of the industry. Here are the reasons why tourism is important:

Economic Progress

The tourism industry aids and supports foreign exchange reserves. It benefits our country in generating foreign currency. Every year a large number of tourists visit India and other places. They visit places; stay and shop in our country. All this contributes to a significant amount of foreign currency generation. Despite the global recession, Indian tourism grew 6.9 % to approximately $42 billion in the year 2010.

Large Employment opportunity

For years, tourism has been a big job generator. Because the industry is so varied and includes jobs like pilots, hotel workers, travel guides, and more, it can be hard to estimate exactly how many, but it’s a lot. In 2017, reports estimated that about 1 in 10 jobs were part of the tourism industry. In India alone, almost 5.5 million were employed by the industry in 2021.

Development of Infrastructure

Have you ever noticed how the look and status of a place change when it is declared a tourist place? Actually, tourism aids and encourages infrastructure development by making way for dams, roads, connectivity, airport improvements, and any other activity that helps a tourist in visiting a place in a much better way!

Foreign Exchange Earnings

This is the most important contribution the industry can make to the economy of a country. All touring expenditure incurred by foreign tourists is a source of foreign exchange earnings. Many countries of the world make it mandatory for tourists from abroad to carry a certain amount of foreign currency for the entire length of their stay. So, foreign tourists are the best means of bringing in foreign currency to the host nation.

Foreign Direct Investment

As Hospitality and Tourism in a nation, is strengthened by the Government of the country investments in the sector rise, too. Foreign direct investment is found more in economies which are open and have excellent growth prospects. India is witnessing a period of growth in FDI with many global hotel groups establishing business in the country. This sector is included in the topmost 15 sectors which bring in the maximum foreign direct investment.

Builds Infrastructure

This functions both ways. More and more tourists are attracted by good infrastructural facilities. At the same time, when tourists come, much development of infrastructure takes place with the income generated.

Cultural Heritage

Tourism helps explain the beauty, art, history, and culture of our country. Different people visiting any country take beautiful cultural concepts along with them and spread those concepts to others while visiting other places in the world. Similarly, the local skills, languages, and art get wide exposure through tourism.


The hospitality industry is important for a wide range of reasons. It is responsible for a sizeable chunk of most countries’ GDP, and this percentage is growing with time. The hospitality industry supports local economies and jobs, and many communities would die if they were not supported by the money that comes in from this area. It also provides a livelihood for a huge number of individuals and families.

Thus Hospitality and Tourism is an industry that benefits almost every sector of the economy of a nation. Both developing and developed nations of the world are working to promote this industry to accelerate growth and development in their individual nations and in the world as a whole.

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